Here’s a challenge for you! Who want’s to compile the C code below and see what happens? Will bring back memories of a 68k based computer.
Tag: programming
Google Sponsors Centre for Computing History
The Centre for Computing History, Cambridge is delighted to announce a new educational partnership with Google. This will involve an exciting new initiative to introduce computer programming to children across the UK.
My Raspberry Pi delivery delayed until 14th May!!! (UPDATED!)
Not a happy bunny this morning. Got another email from Farnell saying my Pi will not be shipped until the week commencing 14th May.
Raspberry Pi model B now available to buy (If you are lucky!)
At 6am on the 29th of February 2012, the Raspberry Pi finally went on sale. These awesome single board computers are/were available to buy from
Sinclair ZX81: Small black box of computing desire
The Sinclair ZX81 was small, black with only 1K of memory, but 30 years ago it helped to spark a generation of programming wizards. Packing