Here’s a challenge for you! Who want’s to compile the C code below and see what happens? I’ve only tested it in Linux. It’s amazing what this small snippet of code can do. Will bring back memories of a 68k based computer.
This isn’t nasty code or anything like that.
Compile using this command
cc eastman.c -lm -o eastman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | /* Save the file as eastman.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> main() { short a[4];ioctl (0,TIOCGWINSZ,&a);int b,c,d=*a,e=a[1];float f,g, h,i=d/2+d%2+1,j=d/5-1,k=0,l=e/ 2,m=d/4,n=.01*e,o=0,p=.1;while ( printf("\x1b[H\x1B[?25l"),!usleep( 79383)){for (b=c=0;h=2*(m-c)/i,f=- .3*(g=(l-b)/i)+.954*h,c<d;c+=(b=++ b%e)==0)printf("\x1B[%dm ",g*g>1-h *h?c>d-j?b<d-c||d-c>e-b?40:100:b<j ||b>e-j?40:g*(g+.6)+.09+h*h<1?100: 47:((int)(9-k+(.954*g+.3*h)/sqrt (1-f*f))+(int)(2+f*2))%2==0?107 :101);k+=p,m+=o,o=m>d-2*j? -.04*d:o+.002*d;n=(l+= n)<i||l>e-i?p=-p ,-n:n;}} |
I found the code here. Try not to take a look at that link until you have compiled the code – you don’t want to spoil the surprise.
Post in the comments below of what you see!
Great stuff! Ran perfectly on a macbook.