My Raspberry Pi delivery delayed until 14th May!!! (UPDATED!)

The following has been ordered to the Raspberry Pi FAQ on the Farnell website.

Raspberry Pi Delivery Dates


Q: I got an email from Farnell element14 stating that my delivery date for the Raspberry Pi I ordered is now into May or June, is this correct?



A: Sorry! We updated the data in our system so that new customers placing their pre-order would be advised of the delivery date at the end of May or beginning of June.  If you originally had an estimated delivery date in March or April, your delivery estimate is still as per the original communication.

Not a happy bunny this morning. Got another email from Farnell saying my Pi will not be shipped until the week commencing 14th May.

Guess I will keep using my BeagleBoard for now then. Need to pick up a USB keyboard first – I cant believe I don’t own any!

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