The BBC have finally released the final design for their BBC Micro Bit (micro:bit)
The BBC Micro Bit is a piece of hardware that will be distributed between 1 million school kids across the United Kingdom. The small PCB has a small but quite high power CPU at its core, a programmable array of 25 red LED lights, Bluetooth, 2 buttons and a motion sensor. It can either be powered by a USB cable or a 2 cell AA battery pack.
It can be connected to other computing kit via its input-output rings – including the Raspberry Pi, Arduino and Galileo – so that it can carry out more complex tasks.
You can program the device from a web page that you can access from a PC running Windows or Linux or from a Apple computer.
The BBC has confirmed that the computers will go on sale to the general public in the UK and overseas before the end of 2015. The lucky school kids will get their hands on them first!
The Centre for Computing History will be supporting teachers in implementing the Micro:Bit into the computing curriculum for it’s distribution in October. See their announcement here : Micro:Bit Launches – Computing History