Using a tape MP3 player on the Amstrad CPC

Following a discussion on a Facebook group the other day, I decided to get one of these MP3 players that can go into a compact casette player and try and load a tape game onto a old computer.

MP3 Casette Tape

So, I dug out the Amstrad CPC, converted some tape games in .CDT format to .WAV using a program called CDTMaster.

CDTMaster easily converts cdt files to wav

CDTMaster running with the Moon Cresta .CDT file loaded
CDTMaster running with the Moon Cresta .CDT file loaded

I then put the SD card into the adapter, and surprisingly, Oh Mummy loaded first time! The packaging of the adapter only states it plays MP3 – nothing about uncompressed WAV files so thats an added bonus. I’m not too sure how the compression on MP3 files will affect the data in the audio anyway; that’s a test for another day!

Oh Mummy loading on the Amstrad CPC from a MP3 to casette adapter
Oh Mummy loading on the Amstrad CPC from a MP3 to casette adapter

It also loaded Moon Cresta first time too.

Im going to try this adaper on some other machines and report my findings here.

If you would like to purchase your own MP3 adapter, I got mine from this seller on eBay : Car MP3 Player Tape Cassette Adapter for SD/MMC Reader

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