Addition – Technical Software TIF 1 CW/RTTY Transceiver interface for ZX Spectrum

I picked up this interface at a radio rally at the weekend. Its a CW (Morse Code) and RTTY (Radio Teletype) interface for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

TIF 1 CW/RTTY Transceiver interface for ZX Spectrum

I don’t have any software for it at the moment, but once I do, I will try it with my radio gear. You can read about my ham radio activities at

One thought on “Addition – Technical Software TIF 1 CW/RTTY Transceiver interface for ZX Spectrum

  1. i am looking for a way to hook-up a commodore 64 to my amatuer gear. need a cartiridge to do it. and i would like to homebrew it. thanks dewaine

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