Hot on the heels of the ZX Spectrum Vega, Retro Computers Ltd have announced the Iindiegogo campaign for the new Vega+. The Vega+ is a battery powered handheld game system containing 1000 licenced games.
Tag: zx
Addition – Technical Software TIF 1 CW/RTTY Transceiver interface for ZX Spectrum
I picked up this interface at a radio rally at the weekend. Its a CW (Morse Code) and RTTY (Radio Teletype) interface for the Sinclair
Retro carrier bag – Laskys
I picked up some tape games for the Amstrad CPC and the ZX Spectrum the other day. They came in this carrier bag. Who remembers Laskys? I remember there being one in Charter Place in Watford when I was a lad.
Russian ZX Spectrum Clone at Spectrum 30 (Westa IK-31)
The Westa IK-31 was one of the many interesting ZX Spectrum clones at the Spectrum 30 event in Cambridge, 8/9 September 2012. These machines were exhibited
Sinclair ZX81: Small black box of computing desire
The Sinclair ZX81 was small, black with only 1K of memory, but 30 years ago it helped to spark a generation of programming wizards. Packing
Sinclair ZX80 playing Space Invaders at VCF 2010
Here is a video of a real Sinclair ZX80 computer playing Space Invaders at the Vintage Computer Festival 2010 at Bletchley Park. You can see that the screen does not flicker when a key is pressed.
Addition – Wafadrive for the ZX Spectrum
Many thanks to Malcolm of the “Peterborough Linux Users Group” for the Rotronics Wafadrive for the ZX Spectrum! Will give it a ‘spin’ in the
Spectrum +3 IDE Interface made!
I’ve finally made the 8bit IDE interface for the Spectrum +3, and it worked first time. I will try and copy over some .SNA and .Z80 snapshots over to it later. I’ve also added a 3.5″ floppy drive so I can easily transfer files from the PC.