This is a machine that I have been after for some time. This model was more aimed at the home user rather than schools as it featured a UHF TV modulator (You could use a normal TV instead of a expensive monitor) and 2 Atari type joystick ports. This machine is recognisable from its green function keys.
My machine has been upgraded from 1MB of RAM to 2MB. It features the ARM 250 CPU running at 12Mhz. I have replaced the battery as they are prone to leaking.
Im now after a IDE disk drive podule so that I don’t need to use floppy disks all the time.
I have the 3020, need to remove the battery :o)
Battery already replaced in this one.
I have an A3010 with an arm 3 in it 😉 One of the early ones, before the Arm 250 was ready in big numbers. They stuck an Arm 2 on a Mezzanine board and ran it at 12 Mhz to give the same performance… With a 25 Mhz Arm 3 it is an even nicer machine :o)
Also to make the battery easier to change, it was changed to a non-rechargeable and relocated to a box with some fly leads so I can just swap it out….
You should try to get an SD card floppy emulator. Check out Lotharek
I already have the HXC. Can’t live without it! 🙂