Saturday 27th October 2012
St Giles Hotel – Feltham, London
11 AM to 5 PM
Tickets: £5 on the door, under-16s free
RISC OS User Group Of London (ROUGOL) is pleased to be organising the fourth RISC OS London Show. We will again have an exciting mix of hardware and software on display, plus guest speakers in the theater.
2012-10-21 – New this year, room 3.14 for anyone to show off their Raspberry Pi projects, even if not RISC OS related. Anyone exhibiting a project gets free entry – contact us to register. Head of the R-Pi Foundation Eben Upton is hoping to be at the show, providing his jetlag after flying back from Korea is not too bad!
2012-10-20 – The Centre for Computing History will be bringing along their Cryoflux disc imager. If you have any of the missing software listed here bring it along for archiving.
2012-10-18 – The show will be the first chance to see the official release version of RISC OS for the Raspberry Pi
2012-10-17 – The Centre for Computing History have been added to the exhibitors list
2012-10-04 – Added Archive Magazine to the list of exhibitors – look out for the next feature packed issue!
2012-09-28 – The first list of exhibitors for the 2012 show is online, more updates to follow.
2012-01-22 – Help us to advertise the show by using one of our website banners on your own site.