OLD-COMPUTERS.COM — collectors database security leak

I have just received the folloing email from the owner of old-computers.com . Please read if you are a member of that website.

Hi fellow collectors

We are sorry but it seems that some hackers have stolen some information from our collectors database.
We have changed all the passwords by adding “1234” at the end of your “normal” password.
and we are looking for a solution for this not to happen again.

Most important, if your password in our database was the same as the one you also used for Facebook, Paypal, Google, etc. then you should change it immediately.

Again, we are really sorry.
We started the old-computers.com adventure more than 15 years ago, at a time when we never imagined how the stupidity of some people may interfere so much with our passion.
In 2011 we are now faced with security issues which are very time confusing (we’ve been attacked several times this year, including database corruption).

At a point where we don’t know yet if we will continue this adventure.
We maybe will have to close the site down for good soon.

The only solution would be to build a brand new OLD-COMPUTERS.com compliant to nowadays web standards, which is impossible for our small team (made of only persons).
If you can help redesigning the site and/or find a new hosting server, please contact me at [email protected]

Thanks for your time.

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