The Amstrad CPC range of computers can have the distributor name changed by connecting links on the motherboard. The links are LK1,LK2,LK3. These links are connected to PPI Port B, Bit1-3. The links select the distributor name which is displayed when the CPC starts up..
These LKs exist on all CPC mainboards. By default, LK1-LK3 are not installed (Amstrad). Other combinations are LK2 installed in german Schneider models, and LK1+LK2 in australian Awa models.
Well the other 2 are very strange I never lisen those names.
If you want know more about CPC you can visit a multiple pages in Spain dedicates to this great Machine, in Sapain was the first in numbers of sold, before than Sinclair Spectrum.
In this pasge you can download a huge amount of softwate, quasy all made in Spain in the “Golden Era of the Spanish Soft”