Ive done another conversion! Ive taken my old (and slightly iffy) Apple Mac LCIII and made it into a NAS! 🙂
Photos can be found here.
It now has a 400Gb hard disk (It did have a 250Gb drive until it died…). The software running on the system is FreeNAS. It serves files via SMB for my Windows clients and NFS for my unix boxes. It can also stream media files via uPNP and iTunes etc.
Please post your comments!
Andy… Well done… This looks really cool… I have posted about it on the Learn FreeNAS web site http://www.learnfreenas.com
Thanks, Gary
I’m surprised nobody has come around to bust your balls for chopping up a working Apple III 🙂
Its not a Apple III(Cpu 6502), its a LCIII(68030) – different machine…
This is a Apple III http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_III
I know, forgot to add LC in the name 🙂
Here is another FreeNas construction. This time in a Ikea storage box!
Look here Ikea NAS