Replacement Dragon 32 sticker

UPDATED 28 February 2019: New eBay link added

The sticker on my Dragon 32 was a little worse for wear. Luckily, there is a seller on eBay who is selling reproduction labels.

The first task was to remove the old label. This was surprisingly tricky as some of the glue was very solid and stubborn to remove. I used some De-Solv-it Sticky Stuff Remover (Available from Lakeland stores in the UK here : Sticky Stuff Remover)

Remains of old sticker
Stubborn number 2

Once all the old glue had been removed, I gave the case a quick polish to make sure all of the Sticky Stuff Remover had been removed. Then it was time to apply the new sticker.

If you would like to purchase a replacement label for your Dragon 32, you can order one from here : Dragon 32 label (eBay)

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