Wednesday was (Got a new job now) the day that I had to travel to Nottingham/Beeston for work. Often at lunch-time, I take a look in the charity shops, Cash Converters and CEX. To my surprise today, I saw a boxed electronics set in Cancer Research UK. The box looked vaguely familiar.
This is the same kit my parents bought for me back in the 80’s. At the bargain price of £1.50 I just had to buy it! Because of this kit, I got interested in electronics as a hobby. Sadly, I think my original kit was dumped when we moved house many years ago.
No prize, but for bonus points, do you recognise the PCB as the backdrop to the box?
I will be assembling some projects this weekend with my 2 boys. I remember making this into a small AM transmitter and a Morse key!