Updated : 10/03/2019
I’ve built another MMBEEB (MMBEEB is a SD Card interface for the Acorn BBC computers that allows you to load disk images from a SD/MMC card) for a member of the Retro Computer Museum forums. I think its the best one that I’ve made so far

Download the Stairway To Hell games collection “MMBEEB.MMB” file and other updated versions from here : MMBEEB Image Files / beeb.mmb
I have a design for a no solder mmbeeb if you are interested? Parts cost is about £4.50 for one dropping to £1ish if you buy parts for 10. (Assuming you have a bit of ribbon cable and can sort out an eprom)
Hopefully the “design” will be going on stardot soon.
Hi, I would like to build one of these MMBEEB units. I’ve scoured the internet and Stardot but I cannot find a precise link to the rom needed and a schematic, are you able to help me?
Thank You.
Kind Regards,