The Tandy Colour TV Scoreboard (60-9005A). Multi game system.
Tag: tandy
NitrOS-9 v3.3.0 released
We have the great pleasure of announcing the availability of the NitrOS-9 V3.3.0 release. NitrOS-9 is an open-source operating system for 6809-based computers (Dragon and TRS-80/Tandy Color Computers in particular), and is compatible with OS-9 from MicroWare.
The upcoming book, CoCo: The Colorful History of Tandy's Underdog Computer, is now available for pre-order!
A new book about the Tandy / Radio Shack CoCo computer is ready for pre-order! I’m happy to officially announce that my next book, CoCo: The
New additions – Sinclair ZX81 & Tandy WP-2
Picked up two new machines yesterday. They are… Sinclair ZX81 Tandy WP-2 The following quotes are taken from The tandy is still sought after