This is a question that always gets the classic computer enthusiasts talking – what’s your best/favorite 8 bit computer? Is it because it has the best graphics, best sound, best choice of hardware, best selection of games etc?
Tag: Commodore
Your favorite joystick or controller of all time!
What is your favorite joystick or controller of all time! Mine has to be the Konix Speedking.
Epyx Fastload RELOADED for the Commodore 64
Based upon the Epyx Fastload Cartridge. This hybrid also includes a reset button and a custom ROM. Disk loading speeds on a Commodore 64 are painful, but not once you have one of these! Loads the average game in less than 8 seconds. Simple to use, just plug it in and GO! Commodore Key and Run/Stop to boot from SD2IEC or Disk.
Armiga Project – A modern look to one of the greatest computers in history.
The machine, which we call, the Armiga, is a beautiful piece of modern technology.
It’s built around a modern Dual Core ARM CPU, that plays together with our custom made floppy controller. This is the key of the machine: We’ve developed our own controller, able of reading Amiga disks, decode them and make them available for executing. Sounds simple, right? 😉
Flappy Bird for C64
Sos has release a port of Flappy Bird on the classic Commodore 64. There is a download link here where you can play the game
Strange – this doesn’t seem to be clearing my nose
Here is a comic strip from “Computer Answers”, July 1983. Someone is confused between a Commodore VIC 20 and Vicks Sinex!
BeebSID – C64 SID chip for the BBC Micro in “The Internet” case
The BeebSID allows you to attach a Commodore SID audio chip to a Acorn BBC computer. The case was inspired by the Internet box used
Car boot Pickups – 2nd September 2012
Couple of good items picked up from the car boot today. An Amiga 1200 and a Olivetti EO Communicator.
Llamasoft games for the Commodore 64
I own 5 original tapes that were created by Llamasoft (Jeff Minter) for the Commodore 64. They are : – Gridrunner Metagalactic Llamas Battle At
Your Commodore 64 memories
Did you have a Commodore 64 when it was released 30 years ago? Do you still have it? Do you still use it? It would