AMATEUR TELEVISION. A PROGRAMME FOR THE BBC/B AND MASTER Instructions for use This programme is for the BBC/B and Master computers. As you are no doubt aware the Memory space on an Acorn machine is, to say the least, restricted. This programe is split over 2 seperate programes and requires PAGE to be at &1900 or lower. (&E00 on the Master). In the event of a "no room" error, check any Rom's fitted to your Machine to ensure that they do not claim workspace, thereby raising PAGE. These programmes have been fully tested on a Standard BBC/B with Acorn and Watford DFS, and on a Standard Master. No problems were encountered. This disc is not protected in the normal way, after all, you probably spend threequarters of your time breaking silly protection routines any way. No, you can take any amount of backup copies for your own use, you can change it around, add bits, delete bits (Providing you let me, G8VEH, know about any improvements so that I can incorporate them in the next update!). But, if you give away a copy to a friend, beware it will burst into flames at some unspecified time and self destruct in 5 seconds. Boot the disc by holding down the Shift/Break keys, and you should see the Main Menu appear. On this section of the programe are 8 testcards a Cross Hatch screen, a MaidenHead Calculator and a Permanent Message Screen. In addition you can access the BBC operating System to issue * Commands without Exiting from the programme. Press key Y, and the second programme will load. This provides facilities for setting up Various Message Screens that can be saved and loaded from disc and a Contest Number Routine. The Y key will return you to the previous testcard programme It is proposed to customise each disc before despatch, but Knowing Murphy as I do, you have probably received a non-customised disc. Also you may wish to change the wording of the various messages on the Test Cards. The following notes should be of help to you Generally a screen is loaded from disc, that poor memory again, and captions added from within the programe using PROCBIG. This procedure requires 4 Parameters, ProcBig("Caption",Left hand position, height, space between letters). Boot the disc and press key "A". You have now loaded a file called "CARDS". This is the main testcard programme, and can now be altered and modified to suit your requirements. As supplied the file is locked, and so after you have altered it , and proved that it still runs okay, unlock the file by issuing the command *ACCESS CARDS. Re-save the programe to the disc using the command SAVE"CARDS". Now relock the file to prevent accidental erasure using the command *ACCESS CARDS L. Note. It is recomended that you take a backup copy of the disc and carry out all alterations on the backup copy.This way you will still have the original disc if anything goes wrong. 1. BATC TEST CARD. list line 340 (L.340) and you will see the position for your call sign This is set for a 5 Character Call. If your call is different, change the left hand parameter (LHE) from 435 in accordance with the following 4 letter call (468).. 5 letter call (435).. 6 letter call (402) 7 letter call (369).. 8 letter call (335) 2. COLOUR BARS 1 list line 740. There are 17 spaces for the insertion of your Caption. You should add 30 to the LHE for each character/space omitted. This may require fine tuning to ensure it is centred 3. AMATEUR TEST CARD List line 370. This is set to a 5 letter Callsign and can be altered as in the BATC Test Card. Use the following LHE figures 4 letter call.. (450) 5 letter call..(420) 6 letter call..(370) 7 letter call.. (360) 8 letter call..(330) 4. COLOUR BARS 2. list line 470. there are 17 spaces for your Call Sign and Name etc. Add 30 to the LHE for each Character or Space omitted. 5. BATC LOGO. list lines 550 and 560 (L.550,560). these lines place a call sign on each side of the LOGO. Again these are set for a 5 letter call and can be varied as follows Line 550 Line 560 4 letter call......(100) 4 letter call......(820) 5 letter call......(90) 5 letter call......(770) 6 letter call......(50) 6 letter call......(690) 7 letter call......(80) 7 letter call......(720) 8 letter call.......(0) 8 letter call......(690) Again these LHE parameters can be fine tuned to your choice. Lines 580 and 590 insert a Maidenhead Locator on the supplied programme, but feel free to change it. 6. CHANNEL 4 TEST CARD list line 320. There are 12 spaces available for the insertion of your call and name etc. Add 30 to the LHE for each space omitted. 7. UK MAP. List lines 420 and 430. 420 is the Call Sign and 430 can be for your name etc. use the following LHE parameters as before. line 420 Line 430 3 letter name.....(470) 4 letter call.....(810) 4 letter name.....(440) 5 letter call.....(780) 5 letter name.....(410) 6 letter call.....(750) 6 letter name.....(380) 7 letter call.....(690) 7 letter name.....(350) 8 letter call.....(680) 8 letter name.....(320) Etc. Line 400 flashes a Black and white spot to indicated your approximate location. Adjust LHE and Height parameters to suit your position on the map. Line 440 is the Maidenhead locator position and you can insert your locator here. 8. UNION JACK. list line 760. There are 14 spaces available for your call sign and name. add 30 to the LHE for each character omitted, with fine adjustment to suit. 9. CROSS HATCH SCREEN list line 1110. there are 17 spaces for your message. Add 30 to the LHE for each Character/Space that you omit. (at this point you should resave the file as "CARDS" onto your disc. 10. PERMANENT MESSAGE SCREEN. (How to use) list line 80. Change the Data to suit your requirements. Remember to seperate each piece of Data with a Comma. Each piece of Data can have up to 18 Characters/Spaces and you must have 5 data items. Blank lines can be defined as " " i.e space between quotes in the Data line. 11.MAIDENHEAD CALCULATOR. (How to use) type in your own site Maidenhead Locator, which must be in the form of a valid locator i.e. 2 letters, 2 numbers and 2 letters. You will be advised if the Locator does not conform to this pattern. Press return and type in the Locator of your contact. The resultant distance will be given in Kilometres. 12. ACCESS TO OPERATING SYSTEM (How to use) Key B from the main menu will access the Operating System and can be used to Catalogue a Disc, Change Drives or infact any OP System command that does'nt use Memory space. Beware of using commands such as *Backup, *Compact or *Copy as these will corrupt the programe in memory The second Programe contains the Message Screen and Contest Numbers routines. Access this by pressing the "Y" key from the main menu. 13. MESSAGE SCREEN. You are invited to load a previously saved message from disc. Answer "Y" to this and type in a file name. There are 2 demonstration files on the disc, DEMO and HELPME. Use only Capital letters. You can specify the drive number in the usual way i.e. :1.FILENAM .This file will then be loaded and displayed in 5 rows of 18 characters. Press return or any key (Except TAB and ESCAPE) to return to the Message Input Screen Tab will re-display the previous message from the Input Screen, and you will be asked if you wish to save it to disc. Answer Y or N (infact any key will answer No). Answering No to the original "Do you wish to load a Message from Disc" Input Prompt will now display the Manual Input Screen. Type in 5 lines of text each up to 18 characters long. Blank lines can be input as "Return". If you type in more than 18 Characters (Watch the Stars), an error will be generated and you will be given the opportunity to retype the line. After the 5th line is input, you will be asked if you wish to save to disc. Respond "Y", and type in a file name, again normal Drive parameters can be included. The message will then be saved to disc and displayed on the Screen. Text is automatically centred on the screen If you answer "N", (Again any key will answer No), the message will be displayed without saving it. However by using the TAB key from the Input Screen you can obtain a second chance to save your Masterpiece. Any key (Except TAB) will return you to the Input Screen when you have finished with a message Pressing ESCAPE at any time during the use of any of the Programmes will return you to the relevant Main Menu. 14. CONTEST NUMBERS Enter a 4 figure contest number, and it will be displayed on the screen in large sized Numbers. Only Valid entries of 4 x NUMBERS will be accepted. Well, there it is, I hope you will enjoy using the Programmes as much as I have. Please do let us Know if you can suggest any improvements. If you find any Bugs, please keep them secret.(Thanks to G4YLG for the BATC Test Card Screen.) Ron Bray G8VEH. (QTHR) ********************************************************************** This Programme is available on 80 Track Disc (or 40 Track Double sided) Price 8.50 from the Treasurer, Worthing Video Repeater Group, (GB3VR), Mr. R. Stephens, Toftwood, Mill Lane, High Salvington, Worthing.( Cheques payable to Worthing Video Repeater Group.) Order form. Please Supply a copy of the Amateur Television Programe for the BBC Christian Name.........................Surname..................... Address............................................................ Nearest Large town or city......................................... Call Sign.....................Maidenhead Locator.................... G8VEH Ron Bray 14 Hadlow Way Lancing West Sussex. Lancing 763978